HOMESCHOOLING - Information Page
Partnerships Re-Envisioned: Setting all students up for success!
Empower. Support. Inspire. Homeschool
Grow your Homeschool!
What Parents/Guardians/Learning Partners want:
Involvement: I want to be more involved in my student's learning
Consistency: I want my student's educational journey to be as rigorous and uninterrupted as possible
Flexibility: I want to be able to school from anywhere in the world, around a schedule that works for my family.
Support: I want to provide a quality education for my student while supported by a certified teacher who has homeschooled.
Affordability: I want quality education for my student that is affordable
What Students want:
Belonging: I want culturally inclusive curriculum that celebrates diversity and allows me to participate and share my story.
Support: I want to be able to learn at my own pace while supported by my learning partner and a certified teacher.
Skill-based: I want my growth to be measured by the skills I have acquired and not solely based on test scores.
Community: I want my learning to incorporate community involvement, environmental responsibility, and global citizenship
Interdisciplinary: I want to have a thorough, challenging, and meaningful and personalized learning experience.
Choice: I want to have agency over and ownership of my own learning experiences.
Our Solution: CYOA (Choose Your Own Adventure curriculum and learning partner resources!​
Digital and printable scripted CCSS aligned, culturally inclusive, differentiated (CYOA) Choose Your Own Adventure lesson plans (49 weeks of instruction).
Digital and printable workbooks for individualized student learning pathway choices (three per week instructional week).
Opportunities to collaborate with other homeschoolers
Ongoing support from a certified teacher and homeschooler in creating strong homeschool systems
Ideas and strategies on how to better support your students academically
Ideas and strategies on how to better support your students behaviorally
Skill-based evaluations
Flexible school schedule
Rigorous curriculum
Documentation templates and self-reflections tools.
Why Connected Planet Learning Homeschool?
Overwhelmed learning partners are not able to meet the needs of ALL their students
Collaborating Learning Partners gain vision and enthusiasm
Under-supported Learning Partners feel alone and isolated.
Communicating Learning Partners support student growth and achievement
Empowered Learning Partners, empower their students
Inspired Learning Partners build student confidence